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Shropshire solicitors backs domestic violence move

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A Shropshire solicitors, which operates a domestic violence helpline, has welcomed new legisation to tackle the issue.

It has just been announced that Clare’s Law, which enables people to check the police record of their partners, is to be expanded to cover all of England and Wales from next March.

The scheme is named after Clare Wood, who was murdered by her ex-boyfriend in February 2009. She was unaware of his history of violence against women.

Emma Kenvyn, who has worked in this area of the law for around 15 years with Shrewsbury-based Wace Morgan Solicitors, welcomed the extension of the scheme, which has been piloted in some areas.

“This is good news and one step towards tackling this issue. There is an urgent need for things to change as at the moment around two women a week are dying from domestic violence in England and Wales, a rate which has remained steady for more than a decade,” Emma said.

“We are coming up to Christmas and this is the worst time of the year for domestic violence incidents so we are expecting an increase in calls to our team,” she added.

Wace Morgan Solicitors regularly runs campaigns to raise the awareness of their services and assistance and urging people to take action if they have experienced domestic violence.

The firm operates a 24-hour ‘trauma line’ specifically for the victims of domestic violence which is always available by calling 07823 777774 and staff offer a free 20-minute initial interview.

In addition, subject to financial eligibility and strict new criteria, Legal Aid may be available to enable court proceedings to be issued.

For further information please contact Emma Kenvyn on 01743 280 128